Making it in the news
Here is a video of Donna making a public statement about our product. A good validation that we have designed a good product that has a lot of potential
Seqster appears on San Diego CBS8.
I lead designing a platform from the ground up that collected all types of health data such as medical records, DNA, fitness apps, and devices. Significant challenges I overcame were meeting business requirements such as limited resources and time constraints while making sure my designs remained functional and meaningful to the users.
Our company received numerous awards and recognition in the healthcare industry.
One of the biggest problems in our nation is Healthcare. Its an industry the has turned into a big business and has forgotten about the human experience. It has lost focus on what matters, and that is the human condition.
My mission at Seqster was to bring the founders' vision of delivering digital transformation into Healthcare by breaking down silos between systems and by giving the individual the power to reclaim their data.
Pictured below are Cohen and Donna. Donna has been using our caregiver feature, and she has been a great source of information with her feedback. Donna is particularly a big fan of our timeline designs, especially when seeing the latest improvements we have implemented. She got emotional during our interview because our software has made a positive impact on their lives. Donna even made a public statement about Seqster on CBS8.
My favorite part about designing is getting user feedback and collaborating with users to meet their needs and improve their lives. I find it most rewarding when I see the results.
One of the biggest challenges was to design an onboarding process that allowed the user to connect data through multiple methods with multiple sub-accounts.
The onboarding of Seqster was the biggest UX Challenge I have ever faced in my career. Challenges with HIPPA laws, security, and all sorts of technical problems kept on surfacing. My solutions haven't been perfect, but it is finally in working order. All I need now are more users so I can keep on improving the experience.
Another challenge was combining the multitudes of data points from numerous data sources. The usability problem was, how can we bring all this data together and make it easy for the user to understand?
So we collaborated with every expert we could find on the subject matter of health. We met with doctors, data scientists, health advocates, nurses, and patients.Here are some samples below:
Like I said before, onboarding was the biggest challenge. It keeps me up at night. But the best way to solve these challenges is to keep on testing the product.
Earlier this year, I had some time to spend on testing our platform. I was able to recruit seven users to test out the app. My findings weren't a surprise but only reinforced my theories. We are launching our product slowly but surely. And I believe that only time and more users can improve our platform.
Here is a video of Donna making a public statement about our product. A good validation that we have designed a good product that has a lot of potential
If you want to hire me or say hello.